For 20 years of my life the Presidency of the United States was controlled by two families: Clinton and Bush.
Bill Clinton was President for 8 years, George H.W. Bush for 4 years, and George W. Bush for 8 years.
Plus, the first Bush was Vice-President for 8 years, holding the second highest position in the executive branch of the United States. He was also President of the US Senate during those eight years.
Plus, for 4 years Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State, a position appointed by the President, not elected by the American people. For those 4 years she was in charge of US foreign policy and she was fourth in line for the Presidency.
This all adds up to 32 years! Thirty-two years when Clinton and Bush people ruled the country. Thirty-two non-overlapping years.
No way am I voting to be governed by the same two rich families.
But of course, they think they’re the best qualified to govern.
Isn’t it a ridiculous coincidence that “the best person” to be President of the U.S. would happen to be the wife of a former President? Isn’t it a ridiculous coincidence that “the best person” to be President is the son of a former President and brother of a former President?
A government that is ruled by a handful of wealthy families is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy.
In July 2015, formed President Jimmy Carter criticized the fact that today’s political campaigns can receive unlimited monetary contributions: “It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president.”
In 2014, an academic study published in the journal Perspectives on Politics found that “America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened,” since the preferences of average American voters have “minuscule, near-zero” insignificant effect on public policy. The authors concluded that the U.S. is now essentially an oligarchy. As one commentator explained:
“American democracy is a sham, no matter how much it’s pumped by the oligarchs who run the country (and who control the nation’s “news” media). The U.S., in other words, is basically similar to Russia or most other dubious “electoral” “democratic” countries. We weren’t formerly, but we clearly are now.”
In 2010, Senator Bernie Sanders had rightly warned that the most wealthy families in the U.S. are destroying the U.S democracy and “In its place they are determined to create an oligarchy in which a small number of families control the economic and political life of our country.”
It is irrelevant what Jeb or Hillary say in order to get elected. It is irrelevant if they are oblivious to realize that it is in poor taste to have the same families govern the country.
Former First Lady Barbara Bush, has now finally come forward with commercial arguing that her son Jeb should be President.
I liked her much more, years ago, when they asked her, would you like to see him run? Barbara Bush replied: “No. I really don’t. I think it’s a great country. There are a lot of great families. There’s just, there’s other people out there that are very qualified, and we’ve had enough Bushes.”
Fortunately, Bernie Sanders is running for President, and he works to expose the ways in which the oligarchy and the big banks are wrecking the economy to benefit themselves. Bernie has denounced the fact that super rich families and huge corporations now control the major political campaigns.
Bernie explains: “If we cannot control billionaires’ power to buy elections, the people elected to office will be responsive to the needs of the rich and powerful, rather than the needs of everyone else.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself! the bush clinton families need to let other people have a chance of running the country. enough enough go away!! enjoy your money and go away